2. Repository¶
After successfully installing kitcar-gazebo-simulation and checking out your own branch, you are now confronted with our repository. Before going into any details, we will now take a step back and look at the repository’s structure.
2.1. Root¶
When opening the repository in a file browser you will see the following files and directories:
├── data
├── docker
├── docs
├── gitlab-ci
├── init
├── simulation
├── pyproject.toml
└── README.rst
6 directories, 3 files
2.2. Docs¶
The docs/
directory contains our documentation.
We use Sphinx and better-apidoc to easily create a nice documentation.
The Onboarding is also part of our documentation. You can be find the source code of this page at docs/content/onboarding/repository.rst
2.3. Init¶
The init/
directory contains files and scripts to install and setup this repository.
You’ve already used the init/init.sh
when following our installation guide.
2.4. Simulation¶
Interesting things happen in simulation/
Here, we write our programs, create simulated worlds and more.
Let’s take a closer look:
├── build
│ ├── atomic_configure
│ ├── bin
│ ├── catkin
│ ├── catkin_generated
│ ├── CMakeFiles
│ ├── gazebo_simulation
│ ├── gtest
│ ├── simulation_brain_link
│ ├── simulation_evaluation
│ ├── simulation_groundtruth
│ ├── simulation_onboarding
│ ├── simulation_rqt
│ ├── test_results
│ ├── catkin_make.cache
│ ├── CMakeCache.txt
│ ├── cmake_install.cmake
│ ├── compile_commands.json
│ ├── CTestConfiguration.ini
│ ├── CTestCustom.cmake
│ ├── CTestTestfile.cmake
│ └── Makefile
├── devel
│ ├── include
│ ├── lib
│ ├── share
│ ├── cmake.lock
│ ├── env.sh
│ ├── local_setup.bash
│ ├── local_setup.sh
│ ├── local_setup.zsh
│ ├── setup.bash
│ ├── setup.sh
│ ├── _setup_util.py
│ └── setup.zsh
├── models
│ ├── env_db
│ ├── fonts
│ └── meshes
├── src
│ ├── gazebo_simulation
│ ├── simulation_brain_link
│ ├── simulation_evaluation
│ ├── simulation_groundtruth
│ ├── simulation_onboarding
│ ├── simulation_rqt
│ ├── CMakeLists.txt
│ └── __init__.py
├── utils
│ ├── basics
│ ├── car_model
│ ├── drive_test
│ ├── geometry
│ ├── machine_learning
│ ├── road
│ ├── ros_base
│ ├── urdf
│ └── __init__.py
└── __init__.py
38 directories, 22 files
The directories simulation/build
and simulation/devel
are automatically generated by catkin_make and contain compiled source code and other information used to start ROS nodes.
2.4.1. Models¶
Of course, Gazebo needs many images, models and more to simulate complete worlds.
All of these resources are located in simulation/models/
Gazebo looks for models and other resources at all locations defined in the environment variables $GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH and $GAZEBO_RESOURCE_PATH. Find out where Gazebo looks for models:
You will learn more about creating custom roads in the simulation in the next part of the Onboarding.
All of our roads are located in simulation/models/env_db
2.4.2. Utils¶
Most of our code is written in Python.
Python packages that don’t have any ROS dependencies are located in simulation/utils/
You will get to know the geometry package later, it is in simulation/utils/geometry/
2.4.3. Source¶
All ROS packages are defined in simulation/src
You will write your own ROS onboarding node within the ROS package simulation/src/simulation_onboarding
The structure of a single ROS package will be explained in more detail later on!
However, if you take a look at catkin workspaces you will notice that the simulation/
folder is a catkin workspace.
This means that you can build our ROS packages from within simulation/
Let’s try that by running
If everything goes well you should now also see simulation/build
and simulation/devel
directories that contain generated files from all ROS packages.
When modifying ROS packages (including changes in the source code) you generally need to execute catkin_make.
Writing ROS nodes in Python comes with some benefits: You don’t need to compile your code! Instead of running catkin_make every time you change something in your code, it is usually enough to run it only when modifying the actual ROS package (e.g. creating a new ROS node).