import functools
import math
import random
import unittest
import gazebo_simulation.msg as gazebo_sim_msgs
import geometry_msgs.msg as geometry_msgs
from simulation.src.simulation_evaluation.src.speaker.speakers import Speaker
from simulation.utils.geometry import Line, Point, Polygon, Pose, Vector
from . import fake_msgs
[docs]class ModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def test_line_functions(self):
"""Create a line of points as middle line and check if the following
functions/attributes work:
* get_road_lines()
* section_intervals
* middle_line
* arc_length
* current_section
n_section = 10
n_points = 100
lane_width = 1
# Create points
lines = fake_msgs.create_points(
section_count=n_section, point_count=n_points, offset_right=lane_width
# Fake section and lane msg proxies / usually in the groundtruth package
section_msg_proxy = functools.partial(
fake_msgs.section_msgs, section_count=n_section
lane_msg_proxy = functools.partial(fake_msgs.lane_msgs, lines)
speaker = Speaker(section_proxy=section_msg_proxy, lane_proxy=lane_msg_proxy)
test_line = Line() # Keep track of the middle line of each section
for idx, line_tuple in enumerate(lines):
# Should return same left/middle/right line
self.assertTupleEqual(line_tuple, speaker.get_road_lines(idx))
# Test if speakers get interval works
interval = speaker.section_intervals[idx]
# Interval should start at end of previous section
self.assertAlmostEqual(interval[0], test_line.length)
test_line += line_tuple.middle
self.assertAlmostEqual(interval[1], test_line.length)
# Modify the pose
speaker.car_pose = Pose(test_line.get_points()[-1], 0) # last point of section
# Test arc_length
self.assertEqual(speaker.arc_length, test_line.length)
speaker.car_pose = Pose(
test_line.get_points()[-int(n_points / n_section / 2)], 0
) # Middle of section
# Test current section
self.assertEqual(, idx)
def assert_line_almost_eq(line1, line2):
self.assertAlmostEqual(line1.get_points()[0], line2.get_points()[0])
self.assertAlmostEqual(line1.get_points()[-1], line2.get_points()[-1])
Polygon(line1, line2).area / line1.length / line2.length, 0, delta=1e-3
) # The polygon should have almost no area if the lines are approx. equal
speaker.middle_line, test_line
) # The polygon should have almost no area if the lines are approx. equal
speaker.right_line, test_line.parallel_offset(lane_width, side="right")
speaker.left_line, test_line.parallel_offset(lane_width, side="left")
[docs] def test_listen_func(self):
"""Test if car state msg is processed correctly.
* listen()
# Dummy msg
pose = Pose(Point(1, 3), math.pi / 3)
frame = Polygon([Point(0, -0.3), Point(0, 0.3), Point(0.5, 0.3), Point(0.5, -0.3)])
linear_twist = Vector(2, 1, 3)
car_msg = gazebo_sim_msgs.CarState()
car_msg.pose = pose.to_geometry_msg()
car_msg.frame = frame.to_geometry_msg()
car_msg.twist = geometry_msgs.Twist()
car_msg.twist.linear = linear_twist.to_geometry_msg()
speaker = Speaker(
section_proxy=fake_msgs.section_msgs, lane_proxy=fake_msgs.lane_msgs
# Test return values
self.assertEqual(speaker.car_frame, frame)
self.assertEqual(speaker.car_pose, pose)
self.assertEqual(speaker.car_speed, abs(linear_twist))
[docs] def test_overlapping_inside_funcs(self):
"""Test polygon functions:
* get_interval_for_polygon()
* car_is_inside()
* car_overlaps_with()
* wheel_count_inside()
# Dummy msg
pose = Pose(Point(1, 3), math.pi / 3)
frame = Polygon(
[Point(0.1, -0.3), Point(0.1, 0.3), Point(0.5, 0.3), Point(0.5, -0.3)]
# Fake section and lane msg proxies / usually in the groundtruth package
section_msg_proxy = functools.partial(fake_msgs.section_msgs, section_count=2)
lane_msg_proxy = functools.partial(
section_count=2, point_dist=0.1, point_count=40, deviation=0
speaker = Speaker(section_proxy=section_msg_proxy, lane_proxy=lane_msg_proxy)
speaker.car_pose = pose
speaker.car_frame = frame
polygon1 = Polygon(
[Point(0, -0.8), Point(0, 0.8), Point(0.8, 0.8), Point(0.8, -0.8)]
) # Contains frame completely
polygon2 = Polygon(
[Point(0, 0), Point(0, 0.8), Point(0.8, 0.8), Point(0.8, 0)]
) # Intersects with frame
# Intersects with frame
polygon3 = Polygon([Point(0, 0), Point(0, -0.8), Point(0.8, -0.8), Point(0.8, 0)])
# p2 and p3 make up p1 together
polygon4 = Polygon([Point(1, 1), Point(1, 2), Point(3, 2)]) # Disjoint to frame
def assertTupleAlmostEqual(tuple1, tuple2):
for t1, t2 in zip(tuple1, tuple2):
self.assertAlmostEqual(t1, t2)
assertTupleAlmostEqual(speaker.get_interval_for_polygon(polygon1), (0, 0.8))
self.assertEqual(speaker.wheel_count_inside(polygon1), 4)
assertTupleAlmostEqual(speaker.get_interval_for_polygon(polygon2), (0, 0.8))
self.assertEqual(speaker.wheel_count_inside(polygon2), 2)
assertTupleAlmostEqual(speaker.get_interval_for_polygon(polygon3), (0, 0.8))
self.assertEqual(speaker.wheel_count_inside(polygon3), 2)
speaker.get_interval_for_polygon(polygon2, polygon3), (0, 0.8)
self.assertTrue(speaker.car_is_inside(polygon2, polygon3))
self.assertTrue(speaker.car_overlaps_with(polygon2, polygon3))
self.assertEqual(speaker.wheel_count_inside(polygon2, polygon3), 2)
self.assertEqual(speaker.wheel_count_inside(polygon2, polygon3, in_total=True), 4)
assertTupleAlmostEqual(speaker.get_interval_for_polygon(polygon4), (1, 3))
self.assertEqual(speaker.wheel_count_inside(polygon4), 0)
if __name__ == "__main__":